Ski Resort Myrkdalen in Hordaland: Position on map

Webcams Myrkdalen

59 minutes ago
Elevation: 451 m
The webcam located at the Myrkdalsstovo main ticket office, shows you the kids´are with the magic carpet and the disc lifts in the background.
54 minutes ago
Elevation: 461 m
From the Myrkdalen Hotel you are looking at the bace station at the ski resort Myrkdalen. You can also see the ticket shop and the café.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 507 m
Webcam located at chair lift Myrkdalsekspressen in Myrkdalen ski resort, Norway.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 1,047 m
The webcam faces down from the highest point of the ski resort. Ysou can see the lift towards the Vetlebotn station.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 838 m
The webcam faces the avalanche tranceivers training area at Myrkdalen ski resort on Norway.
temporarily unavailable
Elevation: 754 m
The webcam at the lower station at Vetlebotn is located towards the Krani mountain at the ski resort Myrkdalen. You can also see the T-bar lift